The Meaning Behind The Song: This Flight Tonight by Nazareth

The Meaning Behind The Song: “This Flight Tonight” by Nazareth


As a music enthusiast, I’ve always found myself captivated by songs that manage to evoke deep emotions and resonate with personal experiences. One such song that holds a special place in my heart is “This Flight Tonight” by Nazareth. I first stumbled upon this timeless piece of music at a friend’s house, and from the very first chords, I was hooked.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “This Flight Tonight” paint a vivid picture of a turbulent journey filled with love and longing. The song opens with the captain’s words, urging passengers to look out the window at the lights below, signifying the imminent landing. However, amidst the backdrop of Las Vegas sand and a falling star, the protagonist reminisces about a lost love.

The lyrics take us on a journey through different types of stars, symbolizing the different stages and wishes of a relationship. The protagonist recalls that the star they were given that night down south between trailers wasn’t the same one they desired, nor was it the guiding star for sailors. This alludes to the struggle of finding true love and the disappointment that can accompany it.

The protagonist acknowledges the gentle and sweet nature of their lover, but also their cryptic and mysterious side. They express their difficulty in communicating with their partner due to feelings of weakness, unsure whether love itself is merely a myth. This internal struggle is beautifully conveyed through the lyrics.

The chorus emphasizes the stark contrast between heaven and earth, darkness and light. The blackness surrounding them is juxtaposed with the little lights shining in the town. In such darkness, the protagonist yearns for a flicker of hope, prompting the plea to “light a candle in this heart of mine.” It’s a plea for love to guide them through the overwhelming darkness.

The recurring line, “Starbright, starbright, you’ve got the lovin’ that I like,” serves as a reminder that despite the hardships, love still holds a special place in the protagonist’s heart. However, as the song progresses, doubts arise, questioning the decision to embark on this emotional journey. The metaphorical flight becomes a representation of pursuing something that might ultimately lead to heartbreak.

The Symbolism

Beyond the poetic lyrics, “This Flight Tonight” beautifully captures the complexities and uncertainties of love. The flight itself becomes a metaphor for the journey we embark upon when entering a relationship, knowing that the destination may not always be what we expect. It symbolizes the vulnerability of opening oneself up to love and the risk of getting hurt in the process.

The falling star represents the fleeting nature of love and wishes that may not come true. This serves as a stark contrast to the little lights shining in the town, symbolizing the hope for a real connection amidst the darkness. The juxtaposition of heaven and earth, light and darkness, further emphasizes the everlasting quest for love in a chaotic world.


“This Flight Tonight” by Nazareth is a song that speaks to the universal themes of love, longing, and the complexities of human relationships. Its heartfelt lyrics and powerful imagery poignantly capture the internal struggles and uncertainties we often face when navigating the turbulent skies of love.

As I reflect on my personal experiences, I can’t help but be moved by the profound emotions evoked by this song. It serves as a reminder to treasure the beauty and fragility of love, even in the face of uncertainty. “This Flight Tonight” is a timeless piece of music that continues to resonate with listeners, offering solace and insight into the depths of our hearts.
