After he was denied custody of his children for being a man, a loving father decided to legally change his gender so he could finally be with his kids. He made the decision following months of not seeing his kids, forcing him to take matters into his own hands.
Not being able to see your children grow up is a painful reality for many parents, especially those embroiled in custody cases. No matter how much you want to be with your child, if the law imposes certain rules on visitation, there's nothing you can do about it.
In Ecuador, a desperate dad was forced to change his gender legally to have a claim in his daughters' custody case. This came after months of not seeing them, despite knowing they needed a stable father figure in their lives.
The father accused his country's justice system of favoring mothers in custody cases, regardless of the circumstances, so to have a chance of finally seeing his children, he went to the civil registry and changed his gender from male to female.
Doing Everything He Can
Although Rene Salinas Ramos is sure of his sexual orientation, he made the decision to change his gender legally for the sake of his childen. He had only seen his two daughters sporadically, as the law automatically gave mothers the right to care for their children.
Ramos claims the law stigmatizes being a father, seeing them as mere providers, while mothers are expected to nurture, care for, and love their children. According to the frustrated dad, this shouldn't be the case.
While Ramos claims his actions came from a place of love, he angered other people, especially the LGBTQI community in Ecuador.
Ramos claims his children's mother isn't capable of giving them adequate care and support. He even accused her of endangering them by keeping them in an abusive environment, which is why he is aggressively trying to gain custody of them.
Ramos has not seen his daughters for a while now. He revealed he had not seen his eldest for a year and a half, and his second-born for months. He also accused their mother of hurting their second child, which is why he filed for custody.
The Backlash
While Ramos believes his actions came from a place of love, he angered other people, especially the LGBTQI community in Ecuador. They denounced him, saying his decision to change his gender for the sake of his custody case may force the assembly to legislate against the LGBTQI community.
Meanwhile, Ramos, who showed media proof of his change of identity through his ID, justified his decision expressing:
“I am very sure of my sexuality. What I have sought is that I want to be a mother, so that I can also give the love and protection of a mother.”
Despite Ramos' efforts, the custody battle didn't end as quickly as he'd hoped. Until the case was closed, his daughters were required to stay with their mother.
More than Just a Provider
More than just his children's provider, Ramos wants to be known as a person who can nurture them, love them, and care for them growing up. He accused the law of taking away men's rights to be parents, which is why he was left with no choice but to change his gender legally.
Ultimately, he believes his decision to change gender will give him an advantage during the custody case, as it challenges the legal system's views regarding childcare. It is a dispute against the authorities, who believe raising kids should be a female's responsibility rather than a male's.
After years of fighting for a place in his children's lives, Ramos finally got to be with his darling daughters again. He constantly shares photos of them together, going on trips as a happy family, proving that it all turned out okay in the end and that his efforts were not in vain.
In another story showing a father's undying love, a man is left alone to raise 9 children after his wife passed away. Click here to read all about it.