If you choose to let Jean-Marc live in Red Dead Redemption 2, he will disseminate information regarding all of the Mayor’s corrupt practices. This will result in Arthur gaining positive honor points. After a few days, Arthur will be informed that Jean-Marc is the new mayor of Saint Denis.
Do you get honor for killing Jean-Marc?
No, if you choose to kill Jean-Marc in Red Dead Redemption 2, you will lose honor points. Additionally, Lemieux will remain as the mayor of Saint Denis. However, as a reward, you will receive a 10% discount in every store in the city.
How do you take Jean-Marc without being seen?
To take Jean-Marc without being seen, you should get on your horse, cross the street, and walk slowly through the park. Wait for the patrolling policeman to pass the park’s NE exit. Then, exit the park and go west down the street toward the mayor’s house.
What happens if you kill a shop owner in rdr2?
If you kill a shop owner in Red Dead Redemption 2, their shop will temporarily close down. When they return, they will have a bandage where you shot them. Some houses, like homesteads, can become abandoned and can also be robbed.
Should I spare or kill the first O Driscoll?
The decision to spare or kill the first O’Driscoll does not have a significant impact on the game. It is ultimately up to the player’s preference and how they want to portray Arthur’s character.
What Happens To Saint Denis If You DON’T Kill Jean Marc In Red Dead Redemption 2? (SECRET Outcome)
This information is not available in the data provided.
Is it better to kill or spare Jean Marc rdr2?
Sparing Jean-Marc is the morally right thing to do in Red Dead Redemption 2. By sparing him, you will reveal the Mayor’s corruption and gain honor points. However, you can choose to kill Jean-Marc if you want to maintain a good reputation with the mayor.
Should I let Jean Marc live?
If you decide to let Jean-Marc live in Red Dead Redemption 2, your honor rating will increase. You will also receive a 10% discount in all of Saint Denis’ shops. The mission will be considered complete after dealing with Jean-Marc.
Can you get rid of Arthur’s tuberculosis rdr2?
In Red Dead Redemption 2, it is not possible to cure Arthur’s tuberculosis. Unfortunately, there is no chance for his survival as it is a key part of the game’s storyline.
Is there a traitor in rdr2?
Yes, there is a traitor in Red Dead Redemption 2. Micah Bell is revealed to be the traitor who has been feeding information to Pinkertons since his return from Guarma.
What can you do with Jean-Marc?
You have two options when dealing with Jean-Marc in Red Dead Redemption 2. You can either execute him and dump his body off the back of the mayor’s house, which will result in negative honor points. Alternatively, you can let him go free, which will increase your honor points.
How to start Henri Lemieux?
After completing The Gilded Cage mission in Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur will receive an invitation from Henri Lemieux. This invitation can be found in his camp. At nighttime, a quest marker for Henri Lemieux will appear in northwest Saint Denis, where the mission can be started.
Where is Henri Lemieux?
Henri Lemieux can be found in northwest Saint Denis during the stranger side mission “The Mercies of Knowledge.” He attends Andrew Bell III’s execution of Wilson J. McDaniels via the electric chair.
Should I be honorable in RDR2?
Being honorable in Red Dead Redemption 2 comes with several benefits. High honor allows for easier gameplay in the second playthrough and provides bonuses such as discounts, more realistic clothing options, and improved interactions with other characters.
Does honor affect Arthur?
Yes, honor level affects Arthur’s personality and behavior in Red Dead Redemption 2. High honor results in a more compassionate and selfless Arthur, while low honor can lead to more aggressive and selfish behavior.
What happens if you are honorable in RDR2?
In Red Dead Redemption 2, being honorable comes with various advantages. Arthur will receive bonuses to looted supplies, access to more realistic clothing options, and a gradually increasing discount at every shop in the game. These rewards reflect Arthur’s heroism and good nature.
Will there be an RDR3?
While there is no official confirmation, it is highly likely that there will be a Red Dead Redemption 3 in the future. Rockstar Games has hinted at the possibility, but fans may have to wait several years before it is released.
Can you prevent Arthur from dying?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent Arthur’s death in Red Dead Redemption 2. As part of the game’s storyline, he contracts a terminal illness and ultimately meets his demise.