Daym Drops Net Worth | Wife

Daym Drops Net Worth – $1.5 million

What is Daym Drops’ net worth? Who is Daym Drops’ wife?


It’s no secret that fast food has integrated itself into the daily diet of the average American.

While plenty of people make a living dishing it out, few have made a profession out of chugging it down.

One special exception to this comes in the form of YouTube sensation Daym Drops.

Daymon Patterson, better known by his online moniker “Daym Drops,” has no culinary education or refined palate.

All he needs to win an audience over is his natural charisma and a plate full of junk food.

Each restaurant he visits receives a videotaped reaction from him, complete with humorous critiques and crooning praise.

If you have yet to view one such video, allow us to tune you into what makes Daym Drops an iconic culinarian.

Humble Beginnings and a Hunger for More

Daym Drops Net Worth

Daym Drops attends the 2022 Creative Arts & Lifestyle Emmys at Pasadena Convention Center – @Getty

Before his internet infamy, Daymon Patterson pursued commonplace careers.

From acting as a Walmart manager to a CarMax salesman, his array of employment opportunities seemed ordinary at best.

But one unique interest threaded itself through every occupation: mealtime commentary.

Patterson would purchase a new item from a different fast food venue every single lunch break.

When he returned to work, he turned the break room into a studio and filmed homemade food reviews.

For years, these videos went widely unnoticed and unknown.

Friends and families amassed the majority of Patterson’s viewers.

That is until he ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

Five Guys Change One Man

A common pickup at Five Guys took Patterson’s career in an unpredictable direction.

His unexpected enthusiasm attracted the attention of viewers throughout the world. One lunch break led to an overnight viral breakout.

Patterson couldn’t take all the credit for his sudden popularity.

He owed his success in part to The Gregory Brothers – a musical group who sampled his voice to make a new song entitled “Oh My Dayum!”.

This music introduced Patterson to an untapped market of potential fans.

With a newfound throng of followers begging for more content to consume, Patterson left his employment behind and embraced his online persona. But unlike other YouTubers, he decided to label himself not as an influencer but as a celebrity foodie.

His recent surge in notoriety garnered the attention of renowned chefs.

Before long, Rachael Ray had secured a deal to make Daym Drops her show’s newest correspondent.

But Patterson wouldn’t play second-fiddle for long. Only one year later, the Travel Channel offered Patterson his own program.

Best Daym Takeout followed Patterson as he traveled throughout the country in search of the best fast food.

With his culinary career secured, Patterson now seeks to extend his reach into other avenues.

On December 15, 2020, Patterson released his first comic book.

Daym Drops…SUPER OFFICIAL features Patterson himself as the titular hero fighting off food-themed supervillains.

Netflix finally acknowledged Patterson’s popularity and signed him on to host his own show. Fresh, Fried and Crispy premiered on June 9, 2021, and continues Patterson’s nationwide adventures to sample extraordinary dishes.

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An Offline Romance

First Marriage

Before Patterson came into the public eye, he had been married once before.

His former partner has never made themselves known, and Patterson prefers not to speak about her.

While the wife’s identity remains a mystery, this relationship brought one notable person into the world: Daij Patterson.

Daij maintains a healthy relationship with her father and consistently appears in his videos.

Second Wife

While his first relationship may have ended in divorce, it opened the door for his true love to enter: Ramyr Gonzales. Although these two met before Patterson’s YouTube fame, she has integrated herself into his online presence ever since. Daym Drops and Ramyr Gonzales tied the knot on June 25, 2012.

Patterson posted a compilation of clips from his special day on YouTube as a gift to the one thousand subscribers he then held.

Gonzales maintained her maiden name despite their union.

Having been pregnant at the time of the wedding, Gonzales gave birth soon after to their first daughter together, Kaitlyn Patterson.

Kaitlyn never shies away from the camera and collaborates with Daymon whenever possible.

She even has her own stage name: “Baby Drops,” or more recently, “K-Drops.”

Despite their differing heritage, Kaitlyn and Daij consistently display a wholehearted love for one another.

The two appear together in Patterson’s videos and frequently support each other through social media.

However, Patterson and Gonzales’ honeymoon phase would not last forever.

On February 15, 2019, Patterson posted a video called “The Truth About My Marriage,” explaining the difficulties he and Gonzales had faced in recent years.

He claims that his success took him too far from his family and injured their relationships with him.

Despite this, his dedication to repairing their relationships restored their former flame.

Since releasing that video, he and Gonzales have stayed together and strengthened their devotion all the more.

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A Place for the Pattersons

Daymon Patterson has resided in New Britain, Connecticut, with his wife, Ramyr, and his daughter, Kaitlyn, since 2017.

To celebrate his relocation, Patterson uploaded an extensive tour of his new home on YouTube.

Daym Drops – Net Worth: Dropping Videos to Pick Up Paychecks

So, how much is Daym Drops worth? On YouTube, Patterson has over 332 million views, meaning about $1 million in revenue before taxes. ”I want to continue growing,” Patterson told Delish. Therefore, YouTube star Daym Drops has an estimated net worth of $1.5 million.

Patterson also made money for his appearances on The Rachael Ray Show, Best Daym Takeout, or Fresh, Fried, and Crispy. He will also be making a profit off of his comic book. 


How tall is Daym drops?

1.96 m

Who is Daym Drops still married?

He is married to Ramyr Gonzales.

What’s Daym Drops’ net worth?

He has a net worth of $1.5 million.

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