Does the AeroGarden use much electricity?

How much energy does the AeroGarden use? This AeroGarden is on for 31 days a month, at an average utility rate of approximately $0.11 per kilowatt hour of electricity.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, how much does it cost to run AeroGarden? The cost per kilowatt hour charged by your utility (in this case $. 11 cents kw/hour) How much energy does the AeroGarden use? AeroGarden Model Wattage Used (Average) Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour AeroGarden Bounty 48 watts $2.78 per month AeroGarden Harvest 23 watts $1.33 per month Also Know, does AeroGarden pump run all the time? Your pump has a normal “off” cycle, meaning that it is not programmed to be “on” all the time for most plant selections. On many AeroGarden 7 models, the pump runs continuously only when the plant selection is set to Salad/Lettuce. If you hear the pump activate, then your pump is working and was just in an “off” cycle. Subsequently, question is, is AeroGarden cost effective? Overall, I find the Aerogarden range to be more functional and cost effective, but I really like the look of the Click and Grow. Personally, I use the Aerogarden Harvest Elite 360. It’s significantly better value than some of the other Aerogarden models, but lacks a few smart features.How long do AeroGarden plants last? about 6 months
