Do all electric furnaces use package sequencers?

One potential safety hazard that all technicians should be aware of when working on an electric furnace is that there are many exposed electrical connections. The correct answer is ‘True’. All electric furnaces use package sequencers. The correct answer is ‘False’.Click to see full answer. Likewise, what does a sequencer do in an electric furnace?The sequencer is essentially a series of conduits that prevent the voltage from entering the electric furnace from turning on all the heating elements at one time. The heating elements are the electrical coils that warm up as electricity passes through them; they’re what actually heats the air.Likewise, how should you determine the heat anticipator setting on a room thermostat? The heat anticipator setting is determined by A- Adding all the current draw in the 24-Volt circuit that passes through the thermostat control bulb and heat anticipator. Consequently, what is the resistance wire used in electric heating elements usually made of? Nichrome Why do most electric furnaces have several heating elements that are activated in stages?To prevent a high load coming on all at once.
