Barbara Karlich and Christoph Preitschopf

Barbara Karlich and Christoph Preitschopf


Barbara Karlich and Christoph Preitschopf  


Christoph Preitschopf and Barbara Karlich have been married for 18 years.


Barbara Karlich is a 54 year old Austrian Actress. Born on 7th January, 1969 in Vienna, Austria, she is famous for Licht ins Dunkel Gala 2004 (2004). Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.


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Relationship Statistics

Married20th Aug 2005 - present18 years, 6 months
Total2003 -present21 years, 2 months

(20 August 2005 - present)

More about Barbara Karlich and Christoph Preitschopf Less about Barbara Karlich and Christoph Preitschopf
