Louis Kung is the ex-husband of Debra Paget. Louis Kung’s ex Paget is an American actress and entertainer. She is perhaps best known for her performances in Cecil B. DeMille’s epic The Ten Commandments and in Elvis Presley’s film debut, Love Me Tender, as well as for the risqué snake dance scene in The Indian Tomb.
Louis Kung’s Family Background
Kung Ling-chie, also known as Louis C. Kung, was later an American oil executive. He was the son of Kung Hsiang Hsi, his father, and Soong Ai-ling his mother. Louis’ father, Kung who is often known as Dr. H. H. Kung, was a Chinese banker and politician in the early 20th century. He was the richest man in the early 20th century Republic of China.
His father was born during the late Qing dynasty into a prosperous banking and trading family in Taigu County, Shanxi Province. Louis’ mother Soong was a Chinese businesswoman, the eldest of the Soong sisters.
Louis Kung was a 76th generation descendant of Confucius, as indicated by the generation name hsiang (祥; xiáng). Kung’s paternal grandfather was (孔繁慈; Kǒng Fáncí; K’ung Fan-tsi; 1861–1911), a 74th generation descendant of Confucius, indicated by the generation name fan (繁; fán).
Kung Ling-chie Date of Birth
Kung Ling-chie was born on May 30, 1921. However, Kung passed away on November 10, 1996. He was 75 years old at the time f his death. Kung Ling-chie had 3 siblings. Kung (4 years older), Kung (1 year older), and Kung (5 years older).
As said earlier, Louis Kung was later an American oil executive. He gained much popularity after his marriage to the actress Debra Paget.
How did Louis Kung and Debra meet?

During the production of Love Me Tender (1956), Elvis Presley became smitten with Paget, who in 1997 claimed that he had proposed marriage. At the time, however, the media reported that she was romantically linked with Howard Hughes and nothing came of his infatuation. A 1956 article quoted Paget’s comments about Hughes:
I was in love with Howard for two years, and I don’t care who knows it… I was never alone with him in the whole two years. Mother was always with us… I haven’t seen Howard for a long time now, because I’m a one-man woman, and I’ve got to have a one-woman man… But I’ll always remember Howard with fondness.
Paget married actor and singer David Street on January 14, 1958, but she obtained a divorce on April 11, 1958.
On March 27, 1960, she married Budd Boetticher, a prominent director, in Tijuana, Mexico. They separated after just 22 days, and their divorce became official in 1961.
Paget left the entertainment industry in 1964 after marrying Ling C. Kung (孔令傑) on April 19, 1962. Kung was a Chinese-American oil industry executive. His parents were banker and politician H. H. Kung and businesswoman Soong Ai-ling.
Through his father, he was a descendant of Confucius. His maternal aunts were Soong Mei-ling, wife of Chiang Kai-shek and First Lady of the Republic of China, and political figure Soong Ching-ling. Paget and Kung had one son, Gregory Teh-chi Kung. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1980.
Louis C. Kung and Debra Paget were married for 17 years. They dated for 2 months after getting together in Feb 1962 and married on 19th Apr 1962. 17 years later they divorced in 1980. The reason behind their divorce was not made public.
Louis Kung’s parents
His nother, Soong Ai-ling met her future husband, Kung Hsiang Hsi, in 1913, and they married the following year in Yokohama. After marrying, Soong taught English for a while and engaged in child welfare work. After the Japanese attack on Shanghai in 1931 during the First Sino-Japanese War, Soong Ai-ling engaged in relief work for the refugees and wounded soldiers and donated two hospitals for the injured. She accompanied her husband on a fact-finding tour in Europe and America. Louis Kung’s parents were Christians.