Ducks and chickens can coexist fine usually. The only risk to raising the two together is that a rooster will try to mate a duck hen, and a drake will also try to mate a chicken hen. This is not a problem as far as a rooster mating a duck hen.Click to see full answer. Simply so, can a duck fertilize a chicken egg?Eggs laid in an all-female brace of ducks will never be fertile: A male duck — also called a drake — must be present and mate with the hens in order for eggs to be fertilized. However, the actual fertilization process is tricky. can a duck and a goose mate? Yes, it is genetically possible for any breed of duck to cross with any other breed of duck, and any goose breed can also cross with other breeds of geese. Sometimes a goose will attempt to mate with a duck, or vice-versa, but even if they mate successfully, the resulting eggs would not be fertile. In this regard, can a duck kill a chicken? Drakes can and do injure and kill hens while trying to mate. It’s good that you separated them from your hens and you need to keep them separated – and preferably also get some more female ducks for your male, as you should have 3 to 4 females per drake.Will pet ducks fly away?Most domesticated duck breeds cannot fly. However, some of the smaller breeds of ducks can still fly, and wing clipping may be necessary if they are not explicitly trained to stay around their home. This is particularly true for domesticated Mallards and Call ducks.