The Meaning Behind The Song: Speed of Desperate by Malice Mizer

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Speed of Desperate by Malice Mizer

TitleSpeed of Desperate
ArtistMalice Mizer
AlbumBara no Seidou
Release DateOctober 8, 1998
GenreGothic Metal, Visual Kei

The Lyrics

I close my eyes, and there you are, your trace of love is shining
I lick your tears, I go so far, to catch your tears as they are falling

I see your face behind your poker face
Surfing on the wave of tears
I see your feet chasing your lost looks
Surfing on the wave of tears

My sinful wound never heals, my sin out of control
I’ve lost all sense of sight and touch
But on your prayers I survive, to live my desperate age

All your dreams, just like fireworks, could not be stored, could not be stored

Finding Meaning in “Speed of Desperate”

As a fan of the Japanese visual kei band Malice Mizer, “Speed of Desperate” has always held a special place in my heart. Released in 1998 as part of their album “Bara no Seidou,” this song expresses the deep pain and longing that one feels in a desperate pursuit for love and connection.

The lyrics of the song beautifully convey the yearning and emotional turmoil that accompany the search for love. The lines “I close my eyes, and there you are, your trace of love is shining” depict the protagonist’s intense desire to be with their loved one, to bask in the warmth and light of their affection.

The mention of tears throughout the song reflects the emotional rollercoaster that comes with love and desperate longing. The lyrics, “I lick your tears, I go so far, to catch your tears as they are falling” portray the protagonist’s willingness to go to great lengths to be there for their loved one, even in their moments of vulnerability and sadness.

In the chorus, the lyrics take a darker tone, expressing the inner turmoil of the protagonist. They speak of an unhealable wound, a sin that is out of control, and the loss of all sense of sight and touch. These lines paint a picture of a person who feels broken and consumed by their desperate pursuit of love.

For me, “Speed of Desperate” is more than just a song; it is a reflection of my own experiences with love and longing. At certain points in my life, I, too, have found myself desperately chasing after someone, hoping to find solace and fulfillment in their presence. I could relate to the emotions expressed through the lyrics, as they perfectly encapsulated the intense longing and emotional turmoil that one goes through in such situations.

Listening to the song served as a cathartic release for me, allowing me to immerse myself in the emotions portrayed and find solace in knowing that I was not alone in experiencing such feelings. The haunting melody and passionate vocals further enhanced the impact of the lyrics, drawing me deeper into the song’s emotional landscape.

In conclusion, “Speed of Desperate” by Malice Mizer delves into the depths of human emotion, exploring the intense longing and pain that come with a desperate pursuit of love. Through its powerful lyrics and haunting melody, the song resonates with listeners who have also experienced the complexities of love and longing. It serves as a reminder that, despite the challenges and heartache, we are not alone in our journey and that our emotions, no matter how intense, are valid.
