Domenico Montanaro NPR :: Wikipedia, Age, Bio, Father, Married, Wife

Name Domenico MontanaroAge / How old / Birthday / Date of Birth / DOB April 26, 1979. As of 2024, he is around 45 years old.Wiki Biography / Profile Background

Introduction :

Domenico Montanaro is an American political analyst working as NPR’s Senior Political Editor and Correspondent. He writes analyses of major political and White House events.

Personal Life : Parents, Family and Education

  • Domenico Montanaro was born on April 26, 1979, and grew up in Queens, New York. His parents are both educators, and it was always assumed that Domenico would follow in their footsteps.
  • He attended University of Delaware for a degree in English with a concentration on Journalism and graduated in 2001.
  • Later in 2005, in need of a career change, Domenico applied to Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism for his M.S. in Journalism with a Broadcast specialization.

Married Life and Children :

  • Domenico met his now wife, Beth Hager while they both attended University of Delaware. She was working on her B.S. on Elementary Education and Teaching degree.
  • They married soon after they graduated and they have two kids together.
  • Beth went on to get her Ph.D. in Special Education and training and currently directs the Teacher Education Programs at Catholic University in Washington, DC.

Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :

  • Domenico started his career in journalism when he was still studying for his Bachelors. He worked for “The Review,” the college newspaper.
  • After graduation, Montanaro started working at Asbury Park Press as a Sports Editor and Staff News Writer. Here he won the Robert P. Kelly Award as the best first-year journalist in the state from the New Jersey Press Association. He worked here for a year.
  • He next took a break from Journalism and moved on to a teaching position at Raritan High School and Mary Help of Christians Academy.
  • It was around this time that he realized that he found his teaching job boring. He knew that his entire family consisted of educators, and so was his wife, but teaching was something that he no longer enjoyed. His wife, Beth, spoke to him one day and mentioned how he had lost his spark and encouraged him to go back to school to get his Masters. He took the advice to heart and enrolled in Columbia University.
  • While still studying, he worked as an associate producer at ABC News and then as an Investigative Research Analyst at Michael Stapleton Associates.
  • After graduation, he landed a job as Associate Producer at CBS News where he worked on the news magazine 48 Hours, in which he helped cover the Virginia Tech shootings, among other stories.
  • He started working at NBC News as a Deputy Political Editor in Washington and worked there for six years. He then moved on to PBS NewsHour as a Political Director and Senior Producer and worked there for a year.
  • In 2015, he joined the NPR team as a Lead Editor for Politics and Digital Audience and then moved up to the Senior Political Editor position in 2019.

Awards and Trivia :

  • Domenico has also taught high school English and Journalism for three years while also coaching the freshman basketball team.
  • He won an Emmy in 2008 for Decision 2008 – Outstanding Live Coverage of a Current News Story and was nominated again in 2010 in the same category.
Wedding & Marriage / Spouse / Engaged / Partner Married. Check the full bio for relationship details.

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