How old is Mary Engelbreit? When is Mary Engelbreit's birthday? Where is Mary Engelbreit born? Where did Mary Engelbreit grow up from? What's Mary Engelbreit's age?
Mary Engelbreit Born: June 5, 1952 (age 71years), St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Is Mary Engelbreit married? When did Mary Engelbreit get married? Who's Mary Engelbreit's married to? (Who's Mary Engelbreit's husband / wife)?
Mary Engelbreit Spouse: Phil Delano (m. 1977)
Does Mary Engelbreit have any children? What are the names of Mary Engelbreit's children? What are the ages of Mary Engelbreit's children?
Mary Engelbreit Children: Will Delano, Evan Delano
Where is Mary Engelbreit now?
Mary lives with her family in St. Louis, MO.
How old is Mary Engelbreit?
Her style, modestly referred to as \u201ceclectic traditional,\u201d is more widely recognized than that of any other contemporary illustrator. Mary's inspirational, whimsical and down-to-earth collections have changed the lives of countless fans the world over.
What style is Mary Engelbreit?
Her style, modestly referred to as \u201ceclectic traditional,\u201d is more widely recognized than that of any other contemporary illustrator. Mary's inspirational, whimsical and down-to-earth collections have changed the lives of countless fans the world over.
When was Mary Engelbreit popular?
By the mid-1990s her empire was a multi-million-dollar company, and it was time to expand once again. She launched a national consumer magazine called Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion. In 1993, she fulfilled her lifelong dream of illustrating children's books with Hans Christian Andersen's Snow Queen.