What does LL mean on Weber thermometer?

If the temperature is colder than this, the display will show LL. L until the temperature rise above -4. So it sounds like maybe the temp is too cold for the batteries of the digital thermometer to work properly.Click to see full answer. Just so, what does LL mean on a digital thermometer?LL on freezer thermometer indicates that the interior freezer temp is so low that the thermometer cannot read it. Try raising the freezer temperature control one degree.Secondly, how do you use a Weber meat thermometer? Press/Hold “1” and “2” on the hand-held display until you hear a beep and the current temperature readout flashes. Press the power button on the transmitter base for one second within 12 seconds of hearing the beep from the receiver. NOTE: When this button is pressed, you must hear a “click”. Similarly one may ask, what does LLL mean on Weber digital thermometer? LLL means that the probe was exposed to temperatures below its range and HHH means that it was exposed to temperatures above its range.What does H mean on a thermometer?“H” indicates a temperature above 42 degrees Celsius.
