The ruthless homicide of three kids and the assault and endeavored murder of their mom, Kristy Frensley, stunned the Kentucky city of Livingston in October 2008. Indeed, even the crisis staff and policing who answered the scene were profoundly impacted by the wrongdoing’s seriousness. The ex-soldier Kevin Dunlap, who perpetrated the wrongdoing, enraged the whole state with his calculated violence and cruel activities.
The case is itemized in the Investigation Discovery narrative “Abhorrent Lives Here: We Looked Happy,” which likewise goes into extraordinary length to make sense of the laws of the procedures and all the related investigational components. We have you covered to figure out all that there is to be familiar with the situation, including the aggressor’s current area and whereabouts. So how about we get everything rolling, will we?
Who Is Kevin Dunlap? Hopkinsville occupant Kevin Wayne Dunlap served in the US Army for over 13 years (1989-2002). He joined the now-outdated Hopkinsville unit of the Kentucky National Guard subsequent to being released from the military and served there for quite a long time.
He moved toward Kristy Frensley, a mother of three, on October 15, 2008, as she was working in her yard in the neighborhood of Roaring Spring in Trigg County, Kentucky. As per reports, Dunlap was conveying a dark pistol and white plastic link ties while wearing a blue DIRECTV polo shirt and white Reebok athletic shoes.
Kristy guaranteed that she had just at any point seen Dunlap once, when he had requested bearings at her home possibly 14 days preceding the occurrence. He even asked about her home, which was available to be purchased, while he was setting up the DirecTV satellite TV bundle. Afterward, his work records would uncover that he had been a DirecTV installer for Bruister and Associates. Subsequent to breaking into Kristy’s home, Dunlap purportedly drew a gun, bound her wrists and lower legs with zip ties, and took her to the room.
Soon after, Dunlap bound Kayla Williams, 17, Ethan Frensley, 5, and Kortney McBurney-Frensley, 14, to one room while Kristy’s kids got back from school. Prior to taking them to one more region of the house, he continued to choke them and tie Ethan with pantyhose and the two females with zip ties. Dunlap then began assaulting Kristy. He then, at that point, cleaned her, put her in bed, and utilized a pad to attempt to choke and cover her.
Prior to wounding Kristy multiple times in the neck and endeavoring to cut her neck, Dunlap purportedly utilized a spread blade to cut her once in the left ear and two times in the lower back. Dunlap was awful to the point that the spread blade’s handle in the end broke and became caught in her neck.
Dunlap didn’t leave the room until he was hoodwinked into accepting Kristy was dead and moved moving toward the children. As per clinical reports, Ethan, the most youthful youngster, was horrifyingly cut multiple times. He was betrayed multiple times, two times in the chest, once in the stomach, and when through the heart.
Multiple times, once in the right half of the neck, multiple times in the chest, one puncturing the left lung, struck Kortney. Kayla was additionally cut in the neck, and the injury on her throat from one ear to another was serious to such an extent that her windpipe should have been visible.
Dunlap utilized a serrated steak blade, the edge of which tumbled off and was subsequently found during the examination in Kayla’s hoodie. Dunlap had lit Kristy’s room floor ablaze by pouring combustible fluid on it. Kristy figured out how to get away from by moving through one of the French windows in the room that opened up to the pool deck while bound, mutilated, and very nearly passing.
Regardless of being seriously singed, Kristy had the option to move into the pool, where a delegate from the Sheriff’s office would later view as her. Dunlap had lit the house ablaze prior to leaving. In the wake of seeing the fire, the neighbors called the police and made endeavors to save the people in question.
Just Kristy was at last found alive and was taken straightforwardly to the Jennie Stuart Medical Center. Matt Ledford, a companion of Kayla’s, uncovered to the police that he had visited Kristy’s home in the early evening of that horrible day. He saw a “champagne-hued, expanded taxi Chevrolet Silverado pickup, model years 2004 to 2006, with a trailer hitch and the initials ‘Hello’ on the tag” as he left his vehicle.
The specialists got a court order in light of the portrayal subsequent to glancing through vehicle enlistment reports that matched Dunlap’s vehicle. Kristy was seen by clinical inspectors, and a vaginal example uncovered DNA proof that matched Dunlap’s. Specialists looked through his home, finding Kristy’s DNA on the vehicle’s driver’s safety belt and Kortney’s DNA on the sneakers. On October 18, 2008, three days after the slaughter, Dunlap was arrested at his Cox Mill Road home.
Where Could Kevin Dunlap Today be? Kevin was accused of various offenses by a fantastic jury in Trigg County, including three counts of messing with actual proof, capital seizing, and capital homicide, as well as one count every one of first-degree assault, first-degree thievery, endeavored murder, and first-degree illegal conflagration.
The investigators looked for capital punishment. Dunlap changed his enticement for blameworthy on February 9, 2010, the day preceding the jury choice interaction was to begin, regardless of the counsel of his lawyer.
On March 19, 2010, Dunlap got a capital punishment. As well as acquiring six capital punishments, he additionally got 55 years in prison for endeavored murder, altering proof, and first-degree thievery, alongside three life terms for first-degree assault, pyromania, and grabbing. Judge C.A. “Woody” Woodall of the Trigg Circuit shared with Dunlap, “Your permission to those offenses talks better compared to I at any point could.” If there is ever a case that “shouts out for capital punishment, it is this case,” even the Commonwealth Attorney, G.L. Ovey, guarded the sentence to the court.
The dad of one of the youngster casualties, Doug Williams, precisely featured the horror of Dunlap’s demonstrations. He said, “I actually find it hard to comprehend how you can sit fixed, detached, and without response, as the many pictures and records of the fallout of your wrongdoings were point by point exhaustively to this court,” in his composed explanation to the appointed authority. He was tending to Dunlap. You have made it very plain that you have no lament for the wrongdoings you carried out against my family and this general public.
Be that as it may, in July 2022, Dunlap’s new legitimate delegate presented a retrial movement — 14 years after his shocking wrongdoing and over decade after his condemning. As of now housed in a cell at the Kentucky State Penitentiary in Eddyville, 50-year-old Dunlap is waiting for capital punishment.