Was Molly Young Suicide Or Murder Linked To Her Death? Boyfriend Richie Minton 2023 Update

Molly Young Suicide has been a topic of interest as she was found dead in her ex-boyfriend’s flat with a headshot wound. 

Molly Young, a twenty-one-year-old native of Marion, IL, was discovered dead in her ex-boyfriend’s house, police dispatcher Richie Minton, on March 24, 2012.

Her death was first ruled a suicide, but further examination revealed that the cause of death was unknown.

Since Young’s death, her family has tried to increase public awareness of her case, influence legislation to combat opaque police procedures, and reduce the potential for government officials to abuse positions of authority.

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Was Molly Young Suicide Or Murder Linked To Her Death?

Molly Young was 21 when she was found dead in her ex-boyfriend’s apartment with a gunshot wound to her head.

Young’s life ended tragically in the bedroom of a Carbondale flat a decade ago, and her family remembered the occasion with a short, solemn memorial service at Turley Park in Carbondale.

Young, a Marion High School graduate who attended SIU, was discovered dead in the bedroom of her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Richie Minton, who worked as a dispatcher for the Carbondale Police Department.

Minton reported the incident many hours later in a 911 call and informed first responders that he must have slept through the shot fired from his 45-caliber revolver.

No one has ever been charged in the death of Young. Two previous Jackson County state attorneys eventually declined to press charges in the case, citing some ambiguous circumstances.

The Young family is still offering a $5,000 prize for information leading to Molly’s death conviction.

Larry Young, Molly’s father, rose to speak but was emotionally overcome and requested Linda Young to tell a story.

Linda Young mentioned that the air conditioning had gone out, and the priest joked that he hoped there would be air conditioning in paradise.

Meet Molly Young Boyfriend: Richie Minton

Molly Young raced to rescue her on-again, off-again boyfriend Richie Minton on March 24, 2012, only to be found dead hours later in his Carbondale, Illinois residence with a gunshot wound to the head.

Minton has never agreed to speak with investigators since the day Young died. He has also declined or disregarded any requests for interviews from the media.

Investigators discovered insufficient residue on the hands of either Minton or Young to determine who pulled the trigger.

Investigators did not administer a blood alcohol test to Minton until nearly 14 hours after Young died. Witnesses reported to police he drank significantly the night before, and detectives discovered vomit on his shorts.

Molly Young’s death has also encouraged charitable giving. A memorial scholarship has benefited local students for many years. Larry Young stated that $600 in art supplies will be donated to Marion schools this year.

Sen. Bryant, who delivered an impassioned speech at Young’s memorial last Sunday, gave a highly spiritual message, urging Young’s family and friends to have faith in God that they will finally find closure.

Meanwhile, Young’s relatives and supporters have raised concerns about other aspects of the case, such as the lack of fingerprints on the pistol, the lack of gunshot residue on Young’s hands, and whether or not the right-handed Young could have shot herself on the left side of her skull.

Investigators discovered insufficient residue on the hands of either Minton or Young to determine who pulled the trigger.

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