Fame | Miles Copeland III net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Miles Copeland III? When is Miles Copeland III's birthday? Where is Miles Copeland III born? Where did Miles Copeland III grow up from? What's Miles Copeland III's age?

Miles Copeland III Born: May 2, 1944 (age 79years), London, United Kingdom

Is Miles Copeland III married? When did Miles Copeland III get married? Who's Miles Copeland III's married to? (Who's Miles Copeland III's husband / wife)?

Miles Copeland III Spouse: Adriana Corajoria (m. 1989)

How about Miles Copeland III's parents?

Miles Copeland III Parents: Miles Copeland Jr., Lorraine Copeland

How about Miles Copeland III's sibling?

Miles Copeland III Sibling: Ian Copeland, Stewart Copeland, Lennie Copeland

How about Miles Copeland III's books only?

Miles Copeland III Books only: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: My Life In The Music Business

Does Miles Copeland III have any children? What are the names of Miles Copeland III's children? What are the ages of Miles Copeland III's children?

Miles Copeland III Children: Axton Emerson Copeland, Miles Axe Copeland IV, Aeson Armstrong Copeland

How about Miles Copeland III's record label?

Miles Copeland III Record label: Step-Forward Records

Are Stewart and Miles Copeland related?

His eldest brother, Miles Copeland III (born 1944), founded I.R.S. Records and became the Police's manager. He has also overseen Copeland's interests in other music projects. His other brother, Ian Copeland (1949\u20132006), was a pioneering booking agent who represented the Police and many others.

Does Stewart Copeland have kids?

Despite his occasional references to "Uncle Aaron", Copeland is not related to the composer Aaron Copland.

Is Stewart Copeland related to Aaron Copland?

Despite his occasional references to "Uncle Aaron", Copeland is not related to the composer Aaron Copland.
