How old is Abhinay Vaddi? When is Abhinay Vaddi's birthday? Where is Abhinay Vaddi born? Where did Abhinay Vaddi grow up from? What's Abhinay Vaddi's age?
Abhinay Vaddi Born: 1983 (age 40years)
Is Abhinay Vaddi married? When did Abhinay Vaddi get married? Who's Abhinay Vaddi's married to? (Who's Abhinay Vaddi's husband / wife)?
Abhinay Vaddi Spouse: Aparna (m. 2007)
How about Abhinay Vaddi's parents?
Abhinay Vaddi Parents: Vijaya Chamundeswari
How about Abhinay Vaddi's grandparent?
Abhinay Vaddi Grandparent: Gemini Ganesan, Savitri
How is Abhinay related to Gemini Ganesan?
Abhinay Vaddi, an actor and agriculturist, entered the Bigg Boss house as one of the 18 contestants. He is the grandson of the late actor Gemini Ganesan. In his debut movie, Abhinay played the role of mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujam.
Who is the mother of Abhinay Vaddi?
Abhinay Vaddi, an actor and agriculturist, entered the Bigg Boss house as one of the 18 contestants. He is the grandson of the late actor Gemini Ganesan. In his debut movie, Abhinay played the role of mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujam.
Who is Abhinay wife?
Abhinay Vaddi, an actor and agriculturist, entered the Bigg Boss house as one of the 18 contestants. He is the grandson of the late actor Gemini Ganesan. In his debut movie, Abhinay played the role of mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujam.
Who is the actor abhinay in bigg boss?
Abhinay Vaddi, an actor and agriculturist, entered the Bigg Boss house as one of the 18 contestants. He is the grandson of the late actor Gemini Ganesan. In his debut movie, Abhinay played the role of mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujam.