Patrick Flaherty Obituary, Death Cause – On November 14th, 2023, Patrick James Flaherty died away in a calm and serene manner, and we are sorry to notify you of this news. His passing took place on that particular day. St. Manchan’s Terrace, Moate; previously of Auburn Heights and Bonavalley, Athlone, and Birmingham, United Kingdom; lately died away; once resident of these places. Jane, who was his sister and died away recently, has been gone for some time. His adoring wife Danuta, his daughter Ellen, his son Roan, his parents Kathleen and Paddy, his sister Elaine, his nieces Lena and Isabelle,
his stepchildren Chris, Franek, Julia, Kasia, and Mattie, his brother-in-law Michael, as well as many other family and friends, will miss him deeply. His passing will also be felt by a large number of people who were not related to him. I pray that God would grant him everlasting rest. On Thursday, from six o’clock in the evening until eight o’clock in the evening, the deceased’s remains will be at Flynn’s Funeral Home, which is situated at The Strand in Athlone (N37 WY17). Cremation will take place at Lakeland’s Crematorium, Cavan (H12 RF78), at 2:15 p.m.
on Friday after the funeral service, which will be conducted at the funeral house on Friday morning at 11:30 a.m. The funeral service will be held at the funeral home. Personal Dwelling Place Is that possible? Flowers are not desired; if you would rather make a gift to the Irish Cancer Society, you are welcome to do so in lieu of sending flowers. During this trying time, the family wishes to express their deep appreciation for all of the love and care that has been offered to them. You are more than welcome to use the “Condolences” section of RIP to convey your deepest sympathies to the bereaved family.ie.