- Convicted murderer Tracie Andrews lives in South-West coastal town
- Wife claims Phil Goldsworthy is having an affair with road-rage murderer
- Tracie Andrews, who knifed her fiance to death, works at pub with Mr Goldsworthy
Jenna lives in an apartment overlooking a picturesque harbour in a remote corner of South-West England. She enjoys a tranquil, rather relaxing existence, one which would be the envy of many.
Apart from a few hours part-time work as a barmaid, the days are hers to fill as she wishes, socialising with friends over a drink or popping to the shops in her sporty black Peugeot coupe. Add in the fact she has recently got herself a new boyfriend — a pub bouncer — and one might conclude life is looking pretty rosy for Jenna.
Gallingly so, given the fact that, as one of Britain’s most notorious female murderers, many people firmly believe that she should still be languishing behind bars. For the name Jenna is an assumed one. This 43-year-old is better known as Tracie Andrews, the woman who stabbed to death her fiancé, Lee Harvey, exactly 16 years ago today and then tried to pin the brutal killing on a mystery road-rage assailant.

Free: Tracie Andrews as she looks now, living in a in a south west coastal town the Mail has chosen not to name
Despite being sentenced to life imprisonment in 1997, last summer Andrews was released on licence after just 14 years. Her aim then was to slip back into the community unnoticed.
And so it was that she not only changed her name but also attempted to change her appearance. This included a £5,000 operation, paid for by the NHS, to correct her distinctive protruding jaw. Her mane of blonde hair also disappeared and was replaced by a dyed black bob.
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ShareBut, as she has learned to her cost in recent months, the memory of who she is and what she did is burned deep into the psyche of the British public.
A job at a hair salon came to an abrupt end soon after she was recognised by the owner (the fact that she continued to wear a necklace with the name ‘Tracie’ spelt out on it may have had something to do with it). Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the nature of her crime, customers balked at the idea of Andrews being let loose on their hair with scissors.
Her infamy has even extended to the inevitable tabloid ‘kiss and tell’. Simon Beavis, the first man she dated after being released, told a downmarket newspaper how Andrews had boasted to him about her bisexuality and that he’d only learned who she was after they had slept together.

New love: Phil Goldsworthy, 53, left his wife and started an affair with road-rage killer Tracie Andrews
Then, this week, the killer was accused of splitting up the marriage of a local couple. ‘That woman has stolen my husband from me,’ declared Linsie Goldsworthy, the estranged wife of Andrews’ new boyfriend Phil Goldsworthy. ‘I think she deliberately targeted him and knew he was married.’
And if things weren’t bad enough for Andrews, the Mail can exclusively reveal that she has now been placed on a ‘final warning’ after breaching the conditions of her licence. For reasons that are not entirely clear, earlier this week, she entered a 25-mile exclusion zone put in place around the Birmingham address of her victim’s parents. Probation officials were informed and, say sources, gave Andrews a dressing-down, warning her that any further breaches could lead to her being recalled to prison.
All in all, it’s hardly been the low-key return to ‘civilian’ life Andrews had been hoping for. But, true to form, the only person she feels sorry for is herself.
Complaining that her treatment is ‘unfair’, she has told friends she is thinking of moving elsewhere. But if Andrews is hoping for sympathy, then one place she knows not to look is with the family of the man she murdered.

Killer: Tracie Andrews, pictured, who was found guilty of murdering fiance Lee Harvey, has seduced Phil Goldsworthy, according to his wife Linsie

'Seduced': Linsie Goldsworth, right, claims her husband Phil Goldsworthy, 53, left, has left her for road-rage killer Tracie Andrews
Lee’s 66-year-old mother Maureen and her husband Ray campaigned over the years to persuade politicians that Andrews’ life sentence should mean life. The authorities chose to ignore those pleas. And so it is that today, as they mark the anniversary of their son’s violent death, all that is left to them is to visit his grave while his killer goes about her life as a free woman.
That the memory of Andrews’ crime remains so sharp despite the passage of time is largely due to her infamous attempt to cover up what she had done.
At a police press conference, a bruised Andrews clutched Maureen’s hand as she described how a road-rage assailant stabbed 25-year-old Lee following a cat-and-mouse car chase through Worcestershire as the couple drove home from the pub.
It was a complete lie. Jealous, possessive and volatile, Andrews had stabbed Lee with a penknife 42 times during a violent row. Despite forensic evidence confirming her guilt, she denied the charges at trial.
It was only 21 months after she was convicted that she confessed to killing Lee, claiming self-defence, in a letter to her solicitor. This, despite Lee sustaining a stab wound to his back.
Devastated, Maureen fought to block her release from prison. Now that has failed, all she can do is reiterate her misgivings about allowing Andrews out.
‘Some people might say Tracie has served her time and deserves a second chance, but she’s ruined our lives,’ Maureen, a former hair salon owner, told the Mail on Andrews’ release last year.
‘There’s no second chance for Lee, or for us. We are the ones who will be serving a life sentence until the day we die. She can change her name and appearance. She can dye her hair red, blonde or black, but a leopard doesn’t change its spots.’ One of Maureen’s initial concerns was she might one day bump into Andrews.

Chilling: Andrews and fiance Lee Harvey. She stabbed him to death and tried to pass the crime off as a road-rage attack
At the time of the killing, Andrews had a seven-year-old daughter, Karla Marie Tilston, from a previous relationship. Now grown up and with a daughter of her own, Karla lives near Maureen’s home in the Midlands and remains close to her mother. With this in mind, the parole board agreed a 25-mile exclusion zone around Maureen’s house.
Immediately following her release, Andrews moved to a woman’s hostel in the Home Counties. But by the beginning of this year she had set up home in a town in the South-West, the name of which the Mail has chosen not to reveal. Andrews chose the location largely because her younger sister, Donna, was living there.
On moving to the town, she was allocated a one-bedroom flat by the council, a stone’s throw from the seafront. Keen to socialise, Andrews quickly made friends.
‘She was interested in fashion and make-up and liked going to car boot sales and charity shops and having people round to the flat,’ said one acquaintance. ‘She’d cook a curry and we’d have a drink and watch a film —chick flicks were her favourite.’

Caged: Tracie at the High Court, where she appealed against her murder conviction
Andrews used the name Jenna and did not inform those who she got to know of her past. But her secret came out after a brief fling with a chef, Simon Beavis, whom she met outside a nightclub. ‘I started chatting to her,’ he subsequently said. ‘We were having a joke about life. I asked how long she’d been here and she said she had family here and was spending time with them. She said she wanted to settle down and build a life here. She was a jovial character and easy to like.
‘She said: “I’ll give you a lift home because it’s cold.” I said: “Come in for a drink” and we started chatting. We were talking for a few hours and eventually we got it on. After that we went to bed again. But neither of us considered it a proper relationship. It was just a bit of fun.’
Andrews mentioned in passing that she was bisexual, but at that stage her lover had no idea who she was. Wanting to do her a good turn, he recommended her to a friend who ran a hair salon in the town.
The salon’s then owner, who asked not to be named, told the Mail she interviewed Andrews over the phone.
‘She told me she had done colouring and taken part in various hair shows at the NEC,’ she said. ‘She seemed nice and friendly, so I invited her in for a trial.’ That was in March and over the next few months Andrews would do the occasional shift.

Grief: Lee Harvey's parents, Maureen and Ray Harvey, campaigned to keep their son's murderer behind bars
From the start, the salon owner was convinced she recognised her. Noticing her necklace with the name Tracie on it, she put two and two together.
‘I didn’t tell her exactly what I thought but I kept saying I knew her from somewhere and in the end she took me to one side and said “You know this thing you think — it’s true”.
‘I was shocked. She was saying: “Do you still want me to work here?” and I thought that she deserved a second chance in life. She trusted me enough to tell me, but told me not to tell anyone else. She wanted to tell people in her own time, when she felt comfortable. I think she just wanted to get on with life and to integrate —she felt that she was Jenna.’ But Andrews’ anonymity was shattered after news of her fling with Simon hit the Press. Business at the salon immediately suffered, as customers complained that Andrews should not be allowed to work there.
‘I was fuming when I found out after she’d cut my son’s hair,’ wrote one local resident on an online forum. ‘Surely we should know if people like this are living among us and allowed to touch our children!
‘But no — apparently this is a forgiving place where we will let a murderer live among us and cut our children’s hair.’
Another wrote: ‘I hope she gets all that’s coming to her, the evil twisted b****.’ Having left the salon by mutual agreement with the owner, Andrews landed a part-time job as a barmaid in a nearby pub. In September, her sister moved away from the area. But her sister’s son wished to continue living locally so he could stay at the secondary school he attends.
It was agreed Andrews would be allowed to look after him, meaning she needed a property with two bedrooms. This was arranged by the council.
Meanwhile at the pub, Andrews started dating 53-year-old bouncer Mr Goldsworthy. The timing of this relationship is open to dispute.

Death: The murder scene at Cooper's Hill where Lee Harvey was found near his car. He had been stabbed 42 times
Mrs Goldsworthy, a mother-of-two, has bitterly accused Andrews of being involved in the breakdown of their relationship. She claimed Andrews showered Mr Goldsworthy with gifts, and described how they became close while working together.
Quite how Andrews afforded these gifts is not clear. Working just a few hours a week, it is thought she claims benefits, but her penchant for present-giving and champagne suggests she has access to other funds as well.
Yet, whatever Andrews’ means, her charms clearly won over the married bouncer. ‘He was fascinated by her,’ said Mrs Goldsworthy, 48. ‘If we went out with friends, he would say excitedly: “Guess who’s working at the pub? The woman who stabbed her boyfriend to death.” He would defend her from any criticism, claiming she had changed.
‘He used to say she looked like Kat Slater from EastEnders — and he has always fancied her. Then he started coming home from the pub at 4am, claiming they were really busy.’
After the discovery of a text message between the pair, says Mrs Goldsworthy, she and her husband split up.
But last week Mr Goldsworthy insisted her version of events was ‘all lies’ and that he and his wife broke up before Andrews came on the scene.
He made it clear the relationship with Andrews was ongoing, repeatedly referring to her as his ‘partner’.
‘At the moment because of all this it looks like we may have to uproot and move away,’ he said. ‘I don’t want to talk about her past, all we are thinking about is the future.’
A future. Something that, thanks to Tracie Andrews, Lee Harvey will never have.