Is Dylan Schumaker Still In Prison? Father Killed 23-month-old Toddler Son Unintentionally Faces 25

Dylan Schumaker was found guilty of killing Austin Smith, the son of his girlfriend, in January 2014. He was given the maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

Schumaker was taking care of the small child while his fiancee worked at a Springville restaurant. When he killed Austin Smith, Dylan Schumaker was only 16 years old.

The kid died because he was hit in the head very hard and often. It causes blood vessels to break, which leads to bleeding inside the brain.

What’s up with Dylan Schumaker?

Dylan Schumaker is serving a 25-year life sentence at the Clinton Prison in New York State for killing Austin, who was 23 months old and belonged to Ashlee Smith.

Dylan Schumaker is currently in prison for life, but he will be able to get out in 2031.

Dylan cried in court and told the mother of the victim and a juror that he didn’t mean to kill Austin. The Supreme Court and Ashlee did not accept his apologies because they thought he was guilty of the crime.

Schumaker was found guilty, and the maximum sentence he could get was 25 years to life. M. William Boller, a state supreme court justice, said that the hearing, which led to a 25-year sentence for an American teen, was heartbreaking.

He said that even at 16 years old, a person can still know right from wrong. Boller said that Dylan Schumaker knew what would happen when he punched the little boy.

Dylan Schumaker Still Behind bars

Dylan Schumaker is now in the Clinton Prison in New York State. He will be able to get out in 2031.

In February 2016, the Appellate court cut Dylan Schumaker’s sentence from life in prison to 25 years in prison. After 18 years in prison, he can ask to get out because the judge cut his sentence to 18 years.

Even if he is set free, the state will keep a close eye on him for the rest of his life. During the trial, the judge asked Schumaker if he didn’t mean to kill Austin or thought that beating him over and over again wouldn’t kill him.

Dylan Schumaker said that he has no choice but to cry and feel bad about what he has done at this point. People also talked about Schumaker’s conversation and the texts he sent to his girlfriend while watching Austin and his brother.

Report on Austin Smith’s health

After a medical exam, the medical examiner came to the conclusion that the child’s injuries were not caused by a slip and fall, but by several head injuries.

Text messages and other pieces of evidence showed that Austin started hurting people around 5 p.m. and kept doing it for the rest of the evening.

The medical examiner found that the child’s extensive neuronal damage made it impossible for him to live for long, so he died.

The proof showed that Austin was often attacked while sending messages.

Based on the evidence, Schumaker, who was 16 at the time, did more than just beat the boy. He was also involved in a number of social and business activities.

Girlfriend of Dylan Schumaker: Where is Ashlee Smith right now?

According to ( Ashlee Smith works and lives with her boyfriend Dylan Schumaker on Cochran Avenue. Ashlee works in a Springville restaurant.

Dylan, Ashlee’s boyfriend, was watching her 23-month-old son, and he beat him to death.

Schumaker said that he hit Austin on the head with a pillow to keep him from crying and waking up his younger brother.

As Schumaker was led into the courtroom for his sentencing, he cried and said, “I didn’t mean to hurt him. You know how much I love Austin.”

During his trial, the defendant said that Austin spat out his food and yelled an obscenity. Schumaker then slapped Austin in the face and spanked him.
