Juice Wrlds ex-girlfriend says he promised to stay alive for me as full extent of crippling

JUICE Wrld's ex-girlfriend has revealed he "promised to stay alive for me" as he spiralled into opioid drug abuse.

Alexia Smith, who dated him for a year, also said she "never stopped loving" the rap star who had a seizure and died on Sunday.

Lucid Dreams singer Juice Wrld, 21 - real name Jarad Higgins - reportedly downed Percocet tablets before he collapsed at Chicago's Midway airport.

Former lover Alexia, 21, paid tribute on Instagram saying: "All I can say is that I never stopped loving you any less.

"You always said you wanted to change the world before you passed, and you did.

"You changed my world, your fans' worlds and so many others."

She added alongside a snap of them together: "The second picture breaks my heart.

"You promised to stay alive for me... you were never good at keeping promises but that was just one of your flaws that made you, you.

"I’m going to make you a promise I won’t break. I will keep your name alive and so will your fans. We won’t let you die twice."

Alexia also revealed how she witnessed the rising rap star's "heavy drug use" of up to three Percocet pills a day washed down with codeine cough syrup.

She told MailOnline their romance broke down after she tried to get him clean from drugs and he turned violent.

Alexia also alleged that record label bosses in LA were so desperate to sign him they plied him morphine and cocaine.

She said: "Seven days away from me, he ended up in the hospital.

"One year away from me, and he's dead."

After breaking up with Alexia, Juice moved in with new girlfriend Ally Lotti.

In recent weeks she had posted pictures of them as they toured the world and poured out her love for him on Instagram.

Ally was with him in Chicago when he had convulsions and fell unconscious after a private jet flight from LA to Chicago.

It has been claimed he swallowed a number of Percocet pills to hide them from cops who were waiting to search the plane when it landed at 1.30am on Sunday.

Officers gave him Narcan opioid antidote and he woke but died later in hospital.

Ally, 27, had posted heartbreaking messages on Instagram in the days before his death.

One haunting tribute posted two weeks ago in Canberra shows the couple stretching out on a private jet.

Ally wrote: “ 'Tell me you love me, tell me everything gon be okay'  you not going nowhere -j "


One fan replied after the star died: "Breaks my heart, stay strong." Another said: "She saw it coming."

Just six days ago Ally posted her last pictures of them together and wrote: "Trust you with my life."

Pals claimed Juice was hounded to his death by cops after "racial profiling".

Ally showed off a large ring on her left hand, although it is not clear if they were engaged

Rapper Juice Wrld's chilling last words to fans in Australia, before airport seizure death

