Reinhold Schmieding Net Worth

$3.5 Billion

Wiki Biography

Reinhold Schmieding is the founder and CEO of Arthrex.In 1981, Schmieding started a medical device company called Arthroscopy Excision Instruments Inc., which focused on an emerging procedure known as arthroscopy. The initial investment was $60,000 from Schmieding's personal savings. After starting the company, Schmieding did not make a profit for the first two years. He ran his company from a fold-out table in his small apartment in the Olympic Village.Later, the company was renamed as Arthrex Inc.Currently, Arthrex distributes its products to more than 90 countries worldwide. It has subsidiaries throughout Europe, including Germany, Austria, Belgium, England and France. In 1991, the headquarters shifted to Naples, Florida. From then, the company has grown from two employees to over 150. 
