40th birthday memes found on the internet today

If you are 16 years old then you get excited about your birthday, 20 years old you cannot wait to start your adult life. 25 years old and you do not know what you are doing with your life but when you are 40, you just had enough.

By the time you are in your 40’s nothing excites you anymore, you become cranky and are surrounded by fewer people. On the brighter side, you have a handful number of people whom you can trust blindfolded.

Similarly, wrinkles start to appear and there is nothing that can soothe you down like alcohol. No matter how many events have taught you a lesson and you made it from the direst situation, birthdays are a nightmare and no experience or lessons can help you from dodging this very day.

You are spending your life peacefully and suddenly the 40th birthday comes as an earthquake shakes you for a whole day. Everybody seems to be okay in the aftermath but the fact that another earthquake might hit jitters you down.

Here is for the people who made it 4 decades on the earth successfully. Even if several matters do not amuse you or people make you tired there are memes that can make you laugh uncontrollably and feel like you are in your sweet sixteen.

Some may hurt you a little bit while some may make you giggle like a child. Even if some meme makes you sad and reflects on the harsh reality, here are some of the 40th birthday memes that can make anyone’s day.

With a glass of beer or wine on the side, get ready to gulp up your 40th birthday with some of the bizarre memes on the internet.

People may come or go but you know that vodka will last longer.

When you reach your 40’s every birthday feels like a seminar.

Things start to get real when you are cheering with your 9th round of beer and tune in into your favorite jam.

You start saying “I can’t keep calm, It’s my 40th birthday” in a lousy tone with a hint of anger.

Another one bites the dust!

Oldness comes in silence while youth goes with clamor.

Your friend always knows how you feel and can not stop themselves from expressing it via cakes.

A quick tip for 40 years old to look young; clean shave, comic T-shirts, goofy smile, and intelligence like Sheldon. Bazinga!

Say it at your own risk!

Told ya, nothing works like alcohol.

Happy 40th birthday for the seventh year in a row.

Some of the funniest 40th birthday memes you will find on the internet.

Aren’t you too old to realize it this late?

Wait until he hears free booze.

This is how you know you are 40 years old because when you squish your back starts crackling noises.

This is too funny even for your age.

Can’t ignore the dry lips.

If this starts any time soon, we are gonna need two nights in a row to accomplish all those stories.

It is magic!

With age comes dementia and negligence.

The only positive meme you will find on the internet on your 40th birthday.

Yeah, don’t party too much, you have work tomorrow.

Will this go well on your resume?
