Sundays aren’t the best days to go out and buy beer, wine, or liquor.
On Easter Sunday, alcohol may only be sold if it is served with food in the United States.
You will be permitted to drink at the bar if you are also eating, but you will not be able to buy six-packs from the store.
Vineyards may, however, sell wine on Easter Sunday if it is produced on the premises.
Can you buy alcohol on Easter Sunday in the U.S?
The only days when alcohol sales are authorized are Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and while there are loopholes, they can be difficult to exploit.
The lone exemption is Easter Sunday, when wines prepared on the premises or from produce grown from a farm immediately on the premises are permitted for sale.
A license for an off-licence to sell alcohol cannot be granted unless the alcohol is produced on the premises.
Alcohol prohibitions on Easter weekend were first justified on the grounds that casual drinking on Easter weekend would jeopardize the sanctity of Good Friday and Easter Sunday.