Sing-A-Thon:Guinness World Records rules explained

Despite the immense support Afua Asantewaa has received from Ghanaians from all walks of life during her singathon, and her steady progress towards her goal on the fourth day of her adventure, it is crucial for her to adhere to the guidelines of the Guinness World Records to avoid missing out.

Afua Asantewaa is on a mission to break the record for the longest singing marathon by an individual, which currently stands at 105 hours.

Her journey began at midnight on Sunday, December 24th, and she is expected to complete it by December 28th.

During the attempt, Afua is allowed to sit, stand, or lie down as long as she continues singing; the position doesn’t matter.

However, unlike music shows, she is not permitted to jam or hum along to the songs like musicians do, and there will be no drumming involved. She is, however, allowed to speak in between songs.

Here are the rules governing the Guinness World Record singing marathon:

(1) Applications for this record title are granted to applicant who are 16 years of age or over.

(2) The songs sung throughout the attempt must be recognisable and performed to a reasonable standard. This is at the discretion of the Guinness World Records. 

(3) Singing must be continuous with only brief pauses of not more than 30 seconds allowed between songs. 

(4) Each piece of music performed must last for at least two minutes.

(5) No piece of music may be repeated in performance within four hours. Songs can only repeated after 4 hours. 

(6) Applicant is permitted to take a five-minute breaks every hour or 20-minute breaks after four hours. 

(7) Inprovisation or jamming is not allowed.

(8) Applicants may be accompanied or not accompanied. If accompanied, no musician may play for more than four hours, after which they must take a break of a least four hours. 

(9) After the attempt, a playlist of all tunes performed must be maintained and submitted with the claim. 
