Funny & heart-wrecking crush memes you can relate to

Crush Memes

Have you ever been in love with someone so passionately that it makes your heart flutter? Have you ever gone to someplace just to see the glance of the person you like?

You might have smiled unconditionally just thinking about talking to him and her in your imagination? If that person has not accepted yes and you, then congratulation, you have been crushed by your crush.

We know that these things are tough to handle and make your night long and heart desperate. Unfortunately, we do not have a cure for the aching of your heart and disturbance in your mind, but we can make you smile today.

How? Well, we have collected some of the heart-wrecking and funny crush memes to make those days relive. So, get ready to hit the emotional rollercoaster and laugh all you want with all this ridiculous crush meme.

The sad moment of our life is when we see our crush talking with another girl in school. And the fact that she is beautiful than you hurts even more. So we can feel you, dear Anna.

Earth is round; Karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes back around. The time when your crush rejects you might be the most heartbreaking thing ever, but when they confess their feeling to their crush, and it does not go as planned, you are the lucky one to witness the moment. So, all the laughter and tears of joy come hand in hand.

This guy might be your other crush on the list. We always think that we look super cool, hot, dashing, and quirky when we smile in front of our crushes. But, it is a different story when the crush sees us like that. We never want to be just like the man in the last picture.

Remember, guys talking with your crush is no less than a chess game. One wrong move and it is a checkmate. So, think wisely and hat with her on social media.

This is when your heart beats 100 times per minute; you feel nauseated and want to throw up with happiness. I hope this I like you are not as a friend. God bless this girl.

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This reminds us of the time when we were in school, and the teacher suddenly partnered us with our crush. Then he giggles, looking cute, and there you are, unable to cope with reality.

Did he know I was staring at him? Where should I look? What should I do? These are the things we think when our eyes meet without a crush.

Some people are so weird that they go erratic even when their crushes pass through the hallway. Their best pal asks them to act natural, and they give that unrealistic, cringy pose. Jeez…

Haha. Guys, get the hint, she does not want to interact with you. However, your persistence might make a place in their heart for sure.

The time when the guy thinks that they can mend anything from the pipes of their crush house to their heart. Way to go bro.

Explore Beans Memes: A collection of cringe-worthy yet entertaining memes on the Internet.

Several people in the world are so determined to get their crush that they tend to do something impossible and unbelievable.

Please, my crush, look at me; I am here. He might be hot, but I am honest and reliable. This face clarifies this statement.

Some girls have the power of the FBI. Give them one minor detail, and they can find everything about their crush from their location, best friend name to first kiss with a girl. Girls are crazy, aren’t they?

Oh no, what have you done bro? Holding your head with two hands is not going to clarify anything. Man up and face the fact.

This meme reflects the pain every people go through when their crushes keep them on seen in the DM’s. We all have been there, and we feel you, kid.

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Well, if it is meant to be, it will be. However, waiting for 84 years is not a joke, and we don’t have that much courage in our life.

Do you remember this moment? One day you call your crush for a treat and inform your friend. Suddenly your friend is telling all the hilarious jokes, and she is laughing at it. You never saw his comedian side, and now you are afraid she might fall for him.

This might be the best pickup line on the Internet. Yes, I’m Mrs. whateveryourlastyournameis.

It might be 23 seconds, but you know that it feels like an eternity. So you have that urge to see his text and view his Snapchat as soon as possible. However, you do not want to seem that eager and put up the courage to wait for at least a minute.

It might be hard to digest, but it is true. There is a very slim chance that your crush and your feeling is mutual.

Have a look at the Funniest Avengers memes found on the Internet.

Well, this was not supposed to be funny but anything for a crush. I will laugh at the meme one year older if my crush sends it.

If it’s for you, I can wait a whole life. But inside, you know that you are crying and now your heartaches. Waiting is an option but can you really do it?

Sometimes our crush seems to be way out of our league. During this circumstance, you have to counsel yourself, saying, babe, what are you thinking or doing.

Most of the time, it is a wrong move to tell each and everything to your friend. You know why because they have got that cheeky smile when you and your crush are at the same time. I think the foremost reason that a crush realizes you like him is because of this cheeky smile.

When it comes to our exes, we are really concerned about what they are doing and with whom they are spending their time. Going through their naps and social media stories, you get to know that she is with a guy, and you go crazy about it. You are so concerned about her that you forget that guy is gay. Suddenly you realize this fact, and everything goes back to normal.

We have gathered Hilarious and crazy memes for your entertainment.

Oh goodness, my alarm clock is playing a prank on me. Despite this, it might be the best dream ever to know that your crush has a crush on you. Just thinking about it makes you happy.

We all have that one friend who is just crazy. One time they pass through their crush, and she has already planned about their future the next thing you know. You really do not know what to say or do in this situation.

Well, peeps, this article is to make humor of your pain. Enjoy.

All those countless hours to match the outfits to make you look spectacular and your crush does not show up. Isn’t it just a waste?

That one determined person in our group who never knows when to give up on their crush. Love you 3000. May God provide further courage to bear this calamity.

Check out Boyfriend memes that all of us crazy in love will relate to.

We all have that one friend who is just astounding while texting. You take their advice ad things start to go as planned. Now, you both are happy with this accomplishment.

Please do not lick the phone. It is disgusting.

Yes, I volunteer with pleasure and in my free will. I take an oath to support in whatever assignment we are given today. Not only this, if things go right, I will protect and motivate him for the rest of my life.

This is the most tiring and hurtful situation in our life. We have to wait for our crush to reply. Although we have tons of friends, it does not suffice our needs just as much as our crush text does.

Let’s recall the moment when we used to be active all the time on Facebook. Stalking was still an unknown activity. You see your crush post as soon she posts it but do not want to like it instantly because it might appear as you are desperate.

We have also covered the biography of your favorite celebrities.

A picture says a thousand words, but this picture is literally screaming brooo. Just look at their we are proud to smile.

The green dot on your crush profile means a lot, and whenever you see it, your mood lights up instantly. Then, however, you do not talk with them, and everything becomes normal again. And now you are eagerly waiting for their text. Surprisingly she goes offline. What is this behavior?

Some people are so good at playing with words that they can make anything accordingly. Yet, despite this, they can never impress their crush.

The only dream we want is to be successful in our life. Marrying the love of our life.

All we can hear is a friend. We are black after that. Nobody wants to listen to the word friend from their crush’s mouth. If it has to be a friend, then a girl should be added before making a girlfriend.

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