If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably aware that over the years, Jenelle Evans has struggled mightily with substance abuse issues.
Rumors that Jenelle is back on drugs seem to surface every few months, and for the most part, they seem to have no basis in fact.
However, as a recovering addict, Jenelle lives each day under the looming possibility of a relapse, and following the flurry of recent changes in her life, it’s not hard to see why fans might be concerned that she’ll fall back into her old habits.

The latest round of speculation seems to have been sparked by a blind item on the blog Crazy Days and Nights.
According to the site, an unnamed "MTV reality star" has been spending a lot of time in LA for work reasons lately.
Said star has allegedly been making regular visits to the home of a well-known SoCal drug dealer, who frequently boasts about providing cocaine to celebrities.
CDAN claims the MTV personality and her "significant other" have been snorting up the dealer’s product with frightening speed:

"Not only is she using pretty heavily now after a short break, but her significant other is up to his eyeballs in addiction and he spends her money like water when it comes to buying drugs," the blog writes.
Fans didn’t have to make much of a leap to conclude that the unnamed star is Ms. Evans.
Jenelle has been spending time in LA to film the Teen Mom 2 live after-shows, and she recently spent a reported 10 straight days in SoCal, much to the chagrin of fans who feel she should be at home with her infant daughter, Ensley.
Jenelle tweeted (and very quickly deleted) a denial of the claims, insisting that she and fiance David Eason stayed "at an Airbnb," while the blind item reported that the couple checked into a hotel.

It’s a pretty weak counter-argument, and it’s not hard to see why Jenelle didn’t leave it on Twitter for very long.
It’s troubling that Jenelle isn’t more upset about such a damaging rumor,
It’s also troubling that she seemed to look for excuses to spend additional time in Los Angeles, despite the fact that she welcomed her first child just a few short weeks ago.
At the end of the day, the latest rumors about Jenelle are based on blind-item gossip from a site with a notoriously shaky relatio ship with the truth.
But Jenelle’s handling of the situation leads us to believe there may be something to this story.

13 Shocking Jenelle Evans Facts Even We Didn’t Know!
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