Takesha Williams Baby Autopsy: What Happened With 3 Year Old Boy?

Two parents were detaἰned after it was claimed that they left their three-year-old boy alone until he dἰed of rot. The boy pἀssed away earlier this month at Takesha Williams and Efrem Allen, Jr.’s house in Bartow, Florida, roughly 40 miles west of Tampa.

The actual report of Takesha Williams’s Baby Autopsy is not revealed but we will describe here what happened to him.

How Did the Takesha Williams’ Baby Dἰe?

On May 12, Williams dialed 911 to report a problem with the child’s pulsometer, but she said it wasn’t an emergency. When emergency personnel arrived at the house, they discovered the boy’s lifeless corpse covered in s0res and gaping w0unds.

The 3-year-old youngster was found by detectives to have suffered from significant w0unds including a grossly inflated tummy that appeared to have semi-marbling and was green, according to the affidavit.

They reported that the infant had a decomposing odor and had multiple open s0res and abrἀsions on his back that were consistent with bed s0res. In a press conference, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said, “This child was rotting in the bed.”

Detectives claim that the abμse of the child started years earlier in the summer of 2020, when the boy suffered a near-drowning episode while staying at a vacation property in Davenport, Florida. Detectives claim that since that time, the toddler has been attached to a ventilator because of the close call with drowning.

The child had been receiving assistance from a free home health nurse, who switched employers approximately two months ago and hasn’t visited the house since. Sheriff Judd stated that the home health agency told officers that Williams and 25-year-old Efrem Allen, Jr. started refusing care.

The pair would either not answer the door or not be home when the nurse arrived. Police were informed by the home health company’s nurse that both parents had received instruction on how to take out and clean their young son’s trach.

Williams and Allen admitted to the police that they had seen their son’s tummy was distended and that he was cold to the touch during their interrogation with them. Judd said:

“The infant lay there and suffered endlessly till there was no more life left. They just got tired of him. They got tired of the intensive care this child needed.”

The medical examiner said that the toddler has stage 5 ulcers, pneumonia and sepsis. The pair was charged with aggravated manslἀughter on May 26 after their aɼɼest on May 13 for grossly negligent child abμse.

Recently in our previous post, we covered the autopsy reports of other persons and you can read about them by clicking on the links given below:

Note: We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings here. We made this post as per the information we got from our sources. As of yet we have that much information related to this case, when we get the latest update we will share it with you. If you know anything else related to this case you can share it with us in the comments section below.

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