Ian Astbury and Heatherlyn Campbell

Ian Astbury and Heatherlyn Campbell


Ian Astbury and Heatherlyn Campbell  


Heatherlyn Campbell and Ian Astbury are divorced after a marriage of 6 years. They had 2 children.

They had 2 children, Dustyn and Che.


Ian Astbury is a 61 year old British Vocalist. Born Ivan Robert Astbury on 14th May, 1962 in Heswall, Merseyside, England, he is famous for The Cult. His zodiac sign is Taurus.


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Relationship Statistics

Dating1991 - 1991
Married1991 - 19976 years
Total1991 -19976 years

Two sons together: Dustyn Astbury and Che Astbury (named after Che Guevara)

More about Ian Astbury and Heatherlyn Campbell Less about Ian Astbury and Heatherlyn Campbell
