How about Brett Veach's posit?
Brett Veach Posit: General manager
How old is Brett Veach? When is Brett Veach's birthday? Where is Brett Veach born? Where did Brett Veach grow up from? What's Brett Veach's age?
Brett Veach Born: December 19, 1977 (age 45years), Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, United States
Is Brett Veach married? When did Brett Veach get married? Who's Brett Veach's married to? (Who's Brett Veach's husband / wife)?
Brett Veach Spouse: Alison Wascavage (m. 2015)
How about Brett Veach's parents?
Brett Veach Parents: Robert Veach Sr., Donna Veach
How about Brett Veach's education?
Brett Veach Education: University of Delaware
How did Brett Veach become GM?
\u2014 Kansas City Chiefs General Manager Brett Veach is arguably one of if not the most influential part of the NFL Draft for the team. He sat down with KSHB 41 anchor DiaWall ahead of the big event to talk about everything from positions he's targeting to why his personnel staff would make for a great Netflix series.
Who is kc Chiefs gm?
\u2014 Kansas City Chiefs General Manager Brett Veach is arguably one of if not the most influential part of the NFL Draft for the team. He sat down with KSHB 41 anchor DiaWall ahead of the big event to talk about everything from positions he's targeting to why his personnel staff would make for a great Netflix series.