Who is Vincent Spano dating? Vincent Spano girlfriend, wife

Vincent Spano

Vincent Spano  American Actor


Whois hedating right now?

According to our records, Vincent Spano is possibly single.


Vincent Spano was previously married to Christa Spano (2004 - 2012).

Vincent Spano has been in relationships with Brenda Li (2012), Laura Dern (1991 - 1992) and Nastassja Kinski (1983).


Vincent Spano is a 61 year old American Actor. Born Vincent M. Spano on 18th October, 1962 in Brooklyn, New York, USA, he is famous for Baby. It's You- Sheik, Rumble Fish. His zodiac sign is Libra.

Vincent Spano has been in 9 on-screen matchups, including Laura Dern in Afterburn (1992), Nastassja Kinski in Maria's Lovers (1984), Rebecca De Mornay in And God Created Woman (1988), Rosanna Arquette in Baby It's You (1983) and Traci Lind in No Strings Attached (1997).

Vincent Spano is a member of the following lists: 1962 births, Actors from New York and American film actors.


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Relationship Statistics

Married19 years, 8 months--
Dating311 years, 6 months4 years, 1 month2 months, 1 day
Total411 years, 6 months5 years, 6 months2 months, 1 day


First NameVincent
Last NameSpano
Full Name at BirthVincent M. Spano
Alternative NameVinnie, Vincent Stewart
Birthday18th October, 1962
BirthplaceBrooklyn, New York, USA
Height6' 2" (188 cm)
Eye ColorBlack
Hair ColorBlack
Zodiac SignLibra
High SchoolStuyvesant High School in NYC
UniversityUniversity of Santa Monica
Occupation TextActor, film director and producer
Claim to FameBaby. It's You- Sheik, Rumble Fish
Year(s) Active1977-present
Official Websitesvincentspano.com/, www.facebook.com/pages/Vincent-Spano-Official/221546531284895, twitter.com/IAmVincentSpano, www.linkedin.com/in/vincentspano

Vincent M. Spano (born October 18, 1962) is an American film, stage and television actor; he is also a film director and producer.

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