The Meaning Behind The Song: The Road Goes On Forever by The Highwaymen


As a music journalist, I have come across countless songs that have left a lasting impression on me. One such song that has always stood out is “The Road Goes On Forever” by The Highwaymen. The combination of Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and Johnny Cash brought a unique energy to this track, making it a timeless classic. Today, I would like to explore the meaning behind the lyrics of this song and share some personal experiences that have made it even more significant to me.

Table of Contents

Verse 1: Sherry and her reputation

The song starts with Kris Kristofferson’s resonant voice painting a vivid picture of a small town and a woman named Sherry who works as a waitress. Sherry is portrayed as someone with a “reputation” and a free spirit who often rides down Main Street after midnight, packed with cigarettes and a beer between her legs. In these lines, the song sets the stage for the adventure that is about to unfold.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

The chorus, sung by all four Highwaymen, serves as the anchor of the song. It encapsulates the sense of perpetual motion and the never-ending party that the characters find themselves in. This line acts as a reminder that life is a journey with no true end. It carries a sense of freedom, youth, and rebellion, making it resonate deeply with listeners.

Verse 2: Sonny and his encounter with the law

Willie Nelson takes over the vocal duties in the second verse, introducing us to Sonny, a bold and rebellious character who finds himself entangled with the law due to his involvement in selling marijuana. This verse adds an element of danger and uncertainty to the story, placing Sonny and Sherry on a collision course with the consequences of their actions.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

Once again, the chorus reinforces the notion that no matter what challenges the characters face, the road continues endlessly, and the party persists.

Verse 3: Sonny and Sherry’s escape

Waylon Jennings takes the lead in the third verse, describing how Sonny defends Sherry’s honor when a drunk man harasses her. The scene intensifies when Sonny takes matters into his own hands and hit the drunk man, ultimately fleeing the establishment with Sherry. This verse showcases the devotion between Sonny and Sherry, highlighting their determination to escape their current circumstances.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

Once again, the chorus reminds us that no matter what obstacles they face, the road stretches on, and the party refuses to cease.

Verse 4: Sonny and Sherry’s journey

In this verse, Johnny Cash takes the spotlight, describing Sonny’s decision to leave town with Sherry. The couple embarks on a journey, driving through the night until they reach Miami Beach. The imagery of the stars above, the moon in the east, and the sun setting creates a sense of timelessness and infinite possibilities as they venture into the unknown.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

The chorus reiterates this sense of constant movement and celebration, no matter where their journey takes them.

Verse 5: Sonny’s involvement with contraband

Kris Kristofferson returns in the fifth verse, introducing a new twist in the story. Sonny runs out of money, leading him to meet a man involved with Cuban refugees and contraband. This verse introduces a layer of criminal activity and danger, adding tension to the narrative.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

As in previous instances, the chorus underscores the idea that, even in the face of potential trouble, life continues to move forward, and the party never truly ends.

Verse 6: Sonny and Sherry’s escape plan

Willie Nelson graces us with his vocals once more in the sixth verse, describing how Sonny and Sherry devise an escape plan when the law closes in on them. Sonny breaks the bathroom window, and Sherry drives the pickup truck through the side alley. However, their plan is foiled as the lawman tackles Sonny and begins reading him his rights. Sherry, outnumbered, reveals she possesses a single-shot four-ten shotgun in the alley, perhaps showing her fierce loyalty to Sonny.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

The chorus echoes the never-ending nature of their journey, even in the face of adversity.

Verse 7: The aftermath of their escape

Waylon Jennings takes over in the seventh verse, describing Sonny and Sherry’s escape as they leave the dying lawman behind. They return to their motel just before daybreak, where Sonny gives Sherry all the money remaining and bids her farewell through a simple gesture. This verse captures the bittersweet nature of their relationship and the uncertainty that lies ahead.

Chorus: The road goes on forever

The chorus persists, reminding us that life’s journey continues despite the obstacles encountered along the way.

Verse 8: Sherry’s life after Sonny

Johnny Cash concludes the song with the eighth and final verse. We fast-forward in time, with Sherry now leading a different life. The mention of a cold six-pack of beer and a Mercedes-Benz paints a picture of Sherry’s transformation. The headline in the newspaper informs her that Sonny is facing the electric chair for his crimes. The song ends with Sherry driving down Main Street in her luxury car, reminding us that life never truly stops, even in the face of heartache.


“The Road Goes On Forever” by The Highwaymen is a song that captures the essence of life’s journey through its powerful lyrics and captivating storytelling. From the rebellious characters of Sonny and Sherry to the profound chorus that resonates with the adventures we all seek, this song is a testament to the notion that life never truly ends but rather continues relentlessly. As a listener, this song has served as a reminder to embrace every moment and celebrate the never-ending party that is life.


Produced By Don Was

Written By Robert Earl Keen

Release Date April 4, 1995

The Road Goes On Forever Is A Cover Of The Road Goes On Forever by Robert Earl Keen

Tags: Country
