GoFundMe; Ethan Phetsomphou Death, Lincoln Elementary School Student

Ethan Phetsomphou was a 10-year-old student at Lincoln Elementary School in Faribault, Minnesota, who died on December 2, 2023. He was a resident of Faribault and a son of Lao immigrants.

His family and friends are mourning the loss of a sweet and smart boy who had a love for learning and playing. The cause of his death was a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer.

Ethan Phetsomphou was a 10-year-old student at Lincoln Elementary School in Faribault, Minnesota, who died on December 2, 2023. He was a resident of Faribault and a son of Lao immigrants. His family and friends are mourning the loss of a sweet and smart boy who had a love for learning and playing. The cause of his death was a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer.

Who was Ethan Phetsomphou?

Ethan Phetsomphou was a fifth-grader at Lincoln Elementary School, where he was a top student and a leader in his class. He was also a talented musician who played the violin and the piano. He was known for his curiosity, creativity, and kindness. He enjoyed reading books, solving puzzles, and playing games with his family and friends.

How did Ethan Phetsomphou die?

The details of Ethan Phetsomphou’s death are still being investigated. He passed away on December 2, 2023, at the age of 10. According to his parents, he was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a rare and aggressive type of brain tumor, in October 2023. He underwent surgery and chemotherapy, but the tumor was too advanced and resistant to treatment.

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