The Meaning Behind The Song: We Close Our Eyes by Oingo Boingo

TitleWe Close Our Eyes
ArtistOingo Boingo
Writer/ComposerDanny Elfman
AlbumBoi-Ngo (1987)
Release DateFebruary 1987
ProducerOingo Boingo & Steve Bartek

This song is a comment on how fast life seems to move and how quickly things change in the blink of an eye. The lyrics of “We Close Our Eyes” by Oingo Boingo reflect the transient nature of existence and the need to embrace every moment. The chorus repeatedly highlights the act of closing our eyes, which symbolizes shutting out distractions and focusing on what truly matters. By closing our eyes, we can dream and create a world of our own.

As I listen to “We Close Our Eyes,” I can’t help but be reminded of the fleeting nature of time. The song starts with a reflection on the big race that everyone seems to be running, emphasizing the societal pressure to keep up with the fast-paced world. It raises the question of individual identity and the struggle to find one’s place amidst the chaos.

The pre-chorus introduces a powerful image of the narrator encountering Death in a mirror. Death’s smile, rather than being ominous, reassures the narrator to take their time and not worry. This moment signifies the acceptance of mortality and the wisdom gained from embracing the present. It encourages us to slow down, appreciate the little things, and let go of unnecessary stress.

In the second verse, the lyrics suggest that if someone were to come close and touch the narrator’s hand, they might slip away or disappear. This could be interpreted as a fear of vulnerability and the potential for losing oneself in a relationship. It raises the question of identity once again, encouraging self-reflection and introspection.

The subsequent lines in the pre-chorus address the concept of worthiness and the possibility of falling in love. It implies that love requires effort, but it also suggests the importance of not trying too hard. It highlights the delicate balance between surrendering to love and maintaining individuality.

“We’re on a healing path, we’re on a rollercoaster ride, that can never turn back” – the bridge of the song expresses the journey of healing and personal growth. It encourages embracing change and taking risks. The lyrics also emphasize the importance of making each second count, suggesting that time is precious and should not be wasted.

The chorus, which repeats throughout the song, signifies the cyclical nature of life. The world turns around again and another year comes and goes. It reminds us of the constant passing of time and encourages us to make the most of every moment. By closing our eyes, we can block out distractions and focus on what truly matters.

Personally, “We Close Our Eyes” resonates deeply with me. It serves as a reminder to slow down in this fast-paced world, to appreciate the present, and to live authentically. The song’s message of finding meaning in the transient nature of life encourages introspection and self-reflection. It reminds me to embrace change and take risks, as they are essential for personal growth.

Oingo Boingo’s “We Close Our Eyes” is a timeless song that captures the essence of human existence. Its lyrics and powerful melodies serve as a reminder to live in the here and now, closing our eyes to distractions and embracing the beauty of our dreams.
