duck-horselover Snake tastes very good. This is mostly to prevent your ducks from making holes a snake can fit through. Also keep the area around your run clear and mowed short. Hawks like snakes and will be attracted by your ducks anyway.Click to see full answer. Hereof, do ducks eat snakes?They have instincts to chase down small critters because their native diet consists of the usual duck food as well as small rodents, lizards, snakes and other small terrestrial critters.Similarly, what animals keep snakes away? The only pet that is really effective against snakes is the mongoose; however, their importation into North America has been prohibited due to the little critter’s habit of taking over ecosystems. Snake fear pig – Snakes do not naturally fear pigs, though pigs and many hooved animals fear snakes. Also to know is, how do you keep snakes away from ducks? How to Keep Snakes Away From Duck Eggs Clean your yard to remove potential snake habitats. Inspect the base of your duck house or coop for cracks, tears or other small holes that could fit a snake. Watch for snakes and rodents. Scatter mothballs around the duck house, since snakes hate their scent. Erect a snake-proof fence as a last resort. Do black snakes eat baby ducks?they also eat baby ducks, my ex would never kill one, but they do eat eggs as well as any baby birds of any kind, they will climb a tree to get baby birds, I will remember the fake egg idea, my Mom used to do that.