Facts About Britt Robertsons Large Family

Facts about Britt Robertson’s large family

Future celebrity was brought up in North Carolina along with six siblings. Being a child, Robertson was inspired to become a performer by soap operas. Her way to success and recognition started when ambitious 14-years-old Britt moved to Los Angeles to participate in various auditions. 

Date of Birth: April 18, 1990

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Today she is a demanded and acclaimed actress, who has starred in many TV series and films. Read the article to find out more about Robertson’s family ties! Not much information is available about celebrity’s parents, but we tried to collect as many facts as possible.

Britt Robertson boyfriend

Dylan O’Brien (ex-boyfriend)

Britt Robertson ex-boyfriend Dylan O'Brien

Duration of Relationship: 2012 — 2018 (6 years)

Date of Birth: August 26, 1991

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

22-years-old Britt and Teen Wolf star Dylan met on the set while shooting The First Time back in 2012. Soon their on-screen feelings turned real. Next year O’Brien was spotted visiting actress on the set of her new film Tomorrowland. That’s when it became obvious for the fans they are a couple. We can hardly find any details in media, as both actors kept their relationship private all the way. Still, sometimes they shared cute posts on social media mentioning each other. Unfortunately, their romance came to an end in early 2018, when the rumors spread about them seeing other people. Later on, it was confirmed by Robertson posting a photo together with her new crush.

Graham Rogers (boyfriend)

Britt Robertson boyfriend Graham Rogers

Duration of Relationship: November 2018 till present

Date of Birth: December 17, 1990

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

He is also an actor born in  West Chester, Pennsylvania known for roles in Ray Donovan, Atypical and The Kominsky Method. Graham and Britt spent  Christmas together in 2018 so we think it it serious.

Britt Robertson children

Brittany Robertson doesn’t have any children.

Britt Robertson parents

Ryan Robertson (father)

Britt Robertson family - father Ryan Robertson

Future star’s dad is a restaurant owner. Aside from Britt, Ryan has a daughter and two sons.

Beverly Hayes Robertson (mother)

Britt Robertson family - mother Beverly Hayes Robertson

Beverly raised four children and gave home education to all of them. The woman is convinced that the public education in the US has many issues, that’s why her offspring didn’t attend a primary school.

Shuler Robertson (paternal grandmother)

Britt Robertson family - paternal grandparents

Shuler Robertson with husband

Shuler lived in Los Angeles with Britt for more than a year while her granddaughter pursued acting career, but moved back to South Carolina when she turned 16. She is married to Jerry Robertson. Source

Britt Robertson siblings

Heather Robertson (maternal half-sister)

Britt Robertson siblings - maternal half-sisters and half-brother

Heather, Jerry, Jordyn with dad

Jordyn Robertson(maternal half-sister)

Jerry Thomas Robertson (maternal half-brother)

Matthew Robertson (paternal half-brother)

Britt Robertson siblings - paternal half-brothers Brody and Matthew

(L-R) Brody and Matthew

He is still a school boy.

Brody Robertson (paternal half-brother)

He is still a child and lives with parents in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Anna Robertson (paternal half-sister)

Britt Robertson siblings - paternal half-sister Anna Robertson

She went to South Pointe High School and since 2016 studies Theatre: Scenic and Lighting Design at College of Charleston. As we have mentioned, Robertson has six siblings. Moreover, she is the oldest among them. Soon after Britt was born, her parents divorced and created new families. Later on, Beverly welcomed two daughters, namely Heather and Jordyn, and a son Jerry Thomas. According to Hayes’ interview from 2015, all her children are engaged in sports and do not have an ambition to follow their famous sister’s footsteps.

Ryan, in turn, raises two sons, Matthew and Brody, and a daughter Anna with his second wife Amanda. There is very little information about any of them on the web.

Despite being busy shooting most of her time, Brittany always makes time to spend it with her large family. However, she respects her family members’ privacy and doesn’t tell much about them.
