The amount of money given to celebrate a person’s religious confirmation varies depending on how close the gift-giver is to the confirmed individual. Twenty-five dollars is an appropriate amount for friends to give, but family members may give $100 or more plus another gift that has religious significance.Click to see full answer. Furthermore, what gift do you give for Catholic confirmation? These are just a few of the many thoughtful and personalized confirmation gift ideas for 2018! Guardian Angel Visor Clip. Scripture Communion & Confirmation Keepsake Box. Silver Cross Keepsake Snowglobe. Locking Heirloom Communion & Confirmation Keepsake Box. Sacrament Wooden Cross. Confirmed in Christ Wood Keepsake Box. Likewise, what do you buy a girl for confirmation? People also love these ideas Miraculous Medal, First Communion Gift, Virgin Mary Necklace, Personalized, Communion Necklace, Gift For Girl, Catholic Jewelry, Gold Filled. Girls Confirmation Gift – Personalized Adjustable Bangle Bracelet – Stainless Steel Expandable Bangle – Custom Letter – Birthstone or Pearl. Simply so, what is an appropriate money gift for First Communion? An amount between 20 and 50 dollars is in line with the occasion, although those closest to the First Communicant (such as grandparents or godparents) may give upward in the range of 200 dollars.What does the sponsor do at confirmation?Your sponsor lays one hand on your shoulder and speaks your confirmation name. The bishop anoints you by using oil of Chrism (a consecrated oil) to make the Sign of the Cross on your forehead while saying your Confirmation name and “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” You respond, “Amen.”